Reasoned opinion of EFSA: Modification of existing MRLs for valifenalate (valiphenal) in tomatoes and aubergines [1]
Question number: EFSA-Q-2009-00727
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Reasoned opinion (0.2Mb)
According to Article 6 of the Regulation (EC) No 396/2005, Hungary received two applications from Isagro S.p.A to modify the existing MRLs for valifenalate (former name valiphenal) in tomatoes and aubergines. In order to accommodate for intended outdoor uses in Italy, it is proposed to raise existing MRLs in tomatoes and aubergines from 0.01 mg/kg (set at the limit of quantification) to 0.2 mg/kg. Hungary drafted two separate evaluation eports according to Article 8 of Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 which were submitted to the European Commission and forwarded to EFSA on 20 July 2009.
[1] On request from the European Commission
Suggested citation: European Food Safety Authority; Modification of existing MRLs for valifenalate (valiphenal) in tomatoes and aubergines on request. EFSA Journal 2009; 7(11):1388. [20 pp.]. doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2009.1388.