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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2010-04-15    浏览次数:909    评论:0




This manual provides specific guidance for reporting of food-borne outbreaks to the Community level and it is based on the reporting format described in the Report on harmonising the reporting of food-borne outbreaks through the Community reporting system in accordance with Directive 2003/99/EC. The manual is in particular intended to be used when reporting the data through the web reporting application run by the European Food Safety Authority.

The manual includes the description of the structure and scope of the reporting system for food-borne outbreaks, the definitions used in the system as well as the variables to be reported on. It gives detailed advice, often through examples, how to report and classify the causative agents, foodstuffs implicated, settings, places of origin of problem and the contributory factors.

The distinction between possible and verified food-borne outbreaks on the basis of available evidence supporting the link between the human cases and the food is specifically addressed and the different sets of data to be reported for these two types of outbreaks is explained. A verified food-borne outbreak must be supported at least by laboratory detection of the causative agent in the implicated food or analytical epidemiological evidence. Detailed information is only reported for the verified food-borne outbreaks.


关键词: 食源性,
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