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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2010-06-24    来源:欧盟食品安全局    浏览次数:643    评论:0



    原文报道:Deadline: 28 July 2010

The role of EFSA in Plant Health is to provide European risk managers with scientific advice on the risks presented by plant pests. This core activity of EFSA is also recognised in the document produced by the Council Working Party of Chief Officers of Plant Health Services (COPHS) entitled “Guidelines for EC coordination and handling of Pest Risk Analysis documents and other scientific justification documents supporting the decision-making process for EC phytosanitary measures”[1]. The COPHS document provides guidance on the procedural aspects to be followed when dealing with pest risk analysis documents with the aim of improving transparency and consistency in the process.

As a consequence of the COPHS document, EFSA believes it is opportune to both clarify and amplify its role within the European phytosanitary framework. Therefore, in consultation with the EFSA Panel on Plant Health, the European Commission and Member States, EFSA has drafted the document:

  • “EFSA Actions on the Guidelines for EC coordination of Pest Risk Analysis process” (0.1 Mb)

EFSA is now keen to obtain comment and feedback on its draft paper from all interested parties through this website.

Public consultation:
Interested parties are invited to submit written comments by 28 July 2010.

Please use only the electronic template provided with the documents to submit comments and refer to the Action number.

Please also note that comments submitted by e-mail or by post cannot be taken into account. Further a submission will not be considered if it:

  • is submitted after the deadline set out in the call;
  • Is presented in any form other than what is provided for in the instructions and template;
  • Is not related to the contents of the document;
  • Contains complaints against institutions, personal accusations, irrelevant or offensive statements or material.

Comments complying with the criteria will be evaluated by the relevant EFSA Unit. All contributions that enhance the quality or understanding of the document will be considered. In line with the principles of openness and transparency EFSA will issue a report on the comments received.

Submit comments

Published: 16 June 2010

[1] Outcome of Proceedings from Working Party of Chief Plant Health Officers (COPHS), Annex 1:Guidelines for EC coordination and handling of Pest Risk Analysis documents and other scientific justification documents supporting the decision-making process for EC phytosanitary measures. Council of the European Union, 10828/09, p7-11.


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