据欧盟食品安全局(EFSA)消息,7月15日欧盟食品安全局发布了日落黄(E 110)临时 ADI值的重新审查结果以及精确暴露评估。
欧盟专家组在对28天试验以及毒理学评估进行研究的基础上认为,将日落黄的临时每日允许摄入量量(ADI)由 1 mg/kg bw /day 修改为 4 mg/kg bw /day,与食品添加剂专家委员会的意见一致,不会造成安全问题。在现有MPLs与使用水平之下,人群的暴露量低于 4 mg/kg bw /day。
The ANS Panel has considered that the newly submitted data from the 28-day study and the overall available toxicological database on Sunset Yellow FCF provides a basis to revise the established temporary ADI and concluded that, based on the NOAEL of 375 mg/kg bw/day from the long-term feeding study in rats and an uncertainty factor of 100, a new ADI for Sunset Yellow FCF of 4 mg/kg bw/day can be established, in agreement with the latest evaluation by JECFA.
Exposure estimates for Sunset Yellow FCF based both on the currently authorised MPLs and reported use levels provided are well below the new ADI of 4 mg/kg bw/day for all population groups. Overall, the Panel concluded that, using data provided by the food industry and Member States, the reported uses and use levels of Sunset Yellow FCF (E 110) would not be of safety concern.
Overall, the Panel concluded that using data provided by the food industry and Member states, the reported uses and use levels of Sunset Yellow FCF (E 110) would not be of safety concern.