据外媒报道, 自1月26日起,美国最大的披萨连锁店必胜客(Pizzahut)开始销售新型的无麸质(Gluten-free)披萨。必胜客与乌迪无麸质食品(Udi's Gluten-Free Foods)合作,制作这无麸质的披萨饼,每个售价9.99美元。
Gluten-free foods have been a fast-growing trend over the past several years - with roughly 44 million Americans showing interest in purchasing gluten-free products of all kinds, and 22% of Americans buying gluten-free products occasionally, according to a study by the research firm Datamonitor. There were about 3,000 new gluten-free snack product introductions in the U.S. from 2008 to 2010, says the consumer research specialist Mintel.
The Pizza Hut version, which is a 10-inch, six-slice pizza, will sell for $9.99. A slice is roughly 150 calories - about 100 calories less than the brand's so-called Skinny Slice pizza.