两国依据欧盟委员会法规(EC)No 396/2005第8章的规定起草了评估报告,并提交至欧委会,之后转至EFSA。欧盟食品安全局对报告做出评估后做出残留限量提议。
In accordance with Article 6 of Regulation (EC) No 396/2005, Germany, hereafter referred to as the evaluating Member State (EMS-DE), received an application from LELF to modify the existing MRLs for the active substance fluazifop-P in lupins and linseeds. Afterwards, France, hereafter referred to as the evaluating Member State (EMS-FR), received an application from Syngenta Agro SAS to modify, according to the above regulation, the existing MRLs for fluazifop-P in several commodities, including lupins and linseeds. Amendments of the existing MRLs of fluazifop-P in several vegetables, pulses, oilseeds and in roots of herbal infusions (dried) and roots or rhizome of spices were proposed.