据外媒报道,由乔氏商店(Trader Joe's)前总裁劳赫(Doug Rauch)创办的美国第一家不以盈利为目的的杂货店Daily Table日前营业,宗旨是为低收入者提供健康又廉价的食品。
据报道,Daily Tabl商品之所以便宜,是因为其大部份产品都是接近“到期日”以及多余库存产品。
货架上摆满了各种各样的日常食品,价格也较全食超市(Whole Food)以及其他邻里商店要更加便宜。例如:两罐蔬菜罐头才卖1美元,一打鸡蛋只卖99美分,一磅土豆49美分,一磅香蕉只需29美分。
A former president of Trader Joe's has opened what he is billing as the United States' first not-for-profit grocery store that focuses on providing healthy and affordable meals to low-income people.
Daily Table, with shelves full of surplus and aging food, welcomed customers Thursday in the low- to middle-income Boston neighborhood of Dorchester, according to WBUR, Boston's National Public Radio station.