据美国食品药品管理局(FDA)消息,7月24日美国 FDA发布通告,拟修订营养成分标识要求。
根据新要求,包装食品需要在标签上标出每日建议摄取量((%DV)。该数值基于添加糖所含热量不能超过总能量10%的建议。征求意见期限为 75 天。
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is proposing additional revisions to the Nutrition Facts label for packaged foods. The supplemental proposal would, among other things, require declaration of the percent daily value (%DV) for added sugars. The proposed rule is a supplement to the March 3, 2014 proposed rule on updating the Nutrition Facts label. The percent daily value indicates how much a nutrient in a serving of food contributes to a daily diet and would help consumers make informed choices for themselves and their families.
The percent daily value would be based on the recommendation that the daily intake of calories from added sugars not exceed 10 percent of total calories.