据欧盟食品安全局(EFSA)消息, 7月1日欧盟食品安全局发布新版食品分类与描述系统FoodEx2。
此系统在FoodEx2基础上修订,内容包括新增271个食品专业术语,对3个已有术语进行分类细化并提供别名,取消原有3个术语,不建议使用原有9个术语等,新版本系统还参照欧盟(EC)No 396/2005号法规对茶、植物及水果汁液分类进行改进。
FoodEx2 is a comprehensive food classification and description system released by EFSA in 2011 (revision 1) and replaced in April 2015 by FoodEx2 revision 2, as a consequence of a testing phase. Afterwards, the annual maintenance of the system was carried out in order to evaluate further comments and proposals provided to EFSA by users and stakeholders during the year 2015. This technical report describes the outcome of the maintenance process, including addition of new terms, disposal of existing terms and amendments to existing terms.