欧盟成员国于2007-2014年期间向欧盟食品安全局提交了2.5万个样品数据。非政府机构Changing Markets在上个月获取了这些数据并与SumOfUs合作进行了分析,并发布了研究报告。两大机构指出,其中12%的食品样品中所含丙烯酰胺量超过欧盟限量水平。
Acrylamide levels in Europe are still dangerously high and relying on industry goodwill to lower them is destined to fail, says an NGO following analysis of previously unseen data released by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)。
Analysis in the report 'Acrylamide in food: Passing the hot potato ' was jointly compiled by not-for-profit organisations SumofUs and Changing Markets.