β-环糊精由7个 α-1,4-链接 d-葡糖基构成的环状寡糖。在1996年欧盟专家组将其ADI定为5mg/kg体重/天。欧盟专家组经过再次评估后认为,ADI设定为5mg/kg体重/天仍然合理。然而在现有报道以及使用量的情况下,在品牌忠诚的情况下,所有人群的摄入量会超过ADI数值,婴儿平均值统计(mean percentile)以及所有人群95值统计(95th percentile)的情况除外。
he EFSA Panel on Food Additives and Nutrient Sources added to Food (ANS) provides a scientific opinion re-evaluating the safety of β-cyclodextrin (E 459) as a food additive. β-Cyclodextrin is a non-reducing cyclic oligosaccharide consisting of seven α-1,4-linked d-glucopyranosyl units. The Scientific Committee on Food (SCF) allocated an acceptable daily intake (ADI) of 5 mg/kg body weight (bw) per day to β-cyclodextrin (E 459) in 1996.
The Panel concluded that, based on the available toxicological database, there is no reason to revise the current ADI of 5 mg/kg bw per day for β-cyclodextrin. based on the available reported use and use levels, the Panel also concluded that the ADI was exceeded in the refined brand-loyal scenario (considered the most relevant scenario) in all population groups except for infants at the mean and in all population groups at the 95th percentile.