这种α-淀粉酶是利用转基因地衣芽孢杆菌产生的食品酶。欧盟食品安全局专家组对这种α-淀粉酶的安全性进行了评估。专家组经过评估认为,这种α-淀粉酶在预期最大使用量范围内不存在安全问题,预期最大使用量为每天1189 mg TOS/kg 体重。
The food enzyme is an α‐amylase (4‐α‐D‐glucan glucanohydrolase; EC produced with a genetically modified Bacillus licheniformis strain NZYM‐AN by Novozymes A/S. The genetic modifications do not give rise to safety concerns. The food enzyme does not contain the production organism or recombinant DNA; therefore, there is no safety concern for the environment. The α‐amylase is intended to be used in starch processing for the production of glucose syrups and distilled alcohol production.
The Panel concluded that under the conditions of this repeated dose 90‐day oral toxicity study the no observed adverse effect level (NOAEL) was the highest dose tested, which corresponds to 1,189 mg TOS/kg bw per day.