2018年10月30日,欧盟食品安全局(EFSA)发布根据第( EU ) 2016 / 2031号条例第42条的规定,为支持进口高风险植物、植物产品和其他物品的需求定义的所需信息。
据了解,新的《植物健康法》(关于植物害虫保护措施的第( EU ) 2016 / 2031号条例)第42条引入了“高风险植物、植物产品和其他物品”的概念,涉及欧盟地区存在不可接受的害虫风险。应欧盟委员会的要求,欧盟食品安全局定义了所需信息,所需信息涉及: 1)商品(产品的特性和生产过程的描述);2)可能与出口国商品相关的害虫;3)植物检疫缓解措施和检查的数据。还提供了如何呈现这些信息的说明。
Article 42 of the new Plant Health Law (Regulation (EU) 2016/2031 on protective measures against pests of plants), introduce a concept of “high risk plants, plant products and other objects” in relation to the presence of a pest risk of an unacceptable level for the unio territory, identified on the basis of a preliminary assessment to be followed by a risk assessment. Upon request of the European Commission (EC), the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) defined the information required and developed a format for the preparation and submission of technical dossiers from third countries to support demands for import of high risk plants, plant products and other objects as foreseen in Article 42(5) of Regulation (EU) 2016/2031.