根据欧盟委员会第396/2005号法规第6章,Indofil Industries Limited 提交了该修订申请。根据风险评估结果,欧洲食品安全局提出了建议,供风险管理人员进一步考虑。有足够的分析方法可用于控制正在考虑的作物中的代森锰锌残留。
In accordance with Article 6 of Regulation (EC) No 396/2005, the applicant Indofil Industries Limited submitted a request to the competent national authority in Germany to modify the existing maximum residue levels (MRLs) for the active substance mancozeb in garlic, broccoli, cauliflowers and leeks. The data submitted in support of the request were found to be sufficient to derive MRL proposals for the crops under consideration. based on the risk assessment results, EFSA derived recommendations for further consideration by the risk managers. Adequate analytical methods for enforcement are available to control the residues of mancozeb in the crops under consideration.